Best Shooting Guard Build in NBA 2K24 (2024)

Shooting Guards, aka The Two, thrive on one goal: to shoot the ball and score. They are the “outside shooters,” popular for taking shots beyond the three-point line. But they also have great defensive skills. They’re crafty when it comes to taking creative shots. But they can also provide an assist to another scorer.

Because Shooting Guards may need to dribble the ball down the court, they must have high speed. They also need high offense and perimeter defense to steal the ball from other players and leave them trailing in their wake. In only a matter of seconds, Shooting Guards will shoot and dunk their way to dominating the court. Here is the best Shooting Guard build in NBA 2K24 that should get the ball rolling in no time.

Body Settings

Best Shooting Guard Build in NBA 2K24 (1)

First things first, you want to select your player’s height, weight, and wingspan. Most shooting guards in the NBA tend to have heights ranging between 6'3″ and 6'5″. So, you probably want to crank up the height of your shooting guard. Furthermore, taller shooting guards contest jump shots more easily at the rim. Vice versa, it’s harder to contest theirs, thanks to a higher release point. They also defend much better and can make all the difference between winning and losing.

Weight, on the other hand, would give a shooting guard a better advantage in post-play and rebounding. Generally, heaviness helps with maintaining good posture and speed. Wingspan then wraps it up by allowing your shooting guard to shoot over taller defenders trying to block their shots. As well as making passes and assists around and over taller defenders. So, to achieve a good height, weight, and wingspan for a shooting guard in NBA 2K24 , you’ll want to set them as the following:

Height: 6'5″

Weight: 181 lbs

Wingspan: 6'5″


Cool finishes may not play as big a role as the actual shooting stats. You’ll want to focus more on perfecting your mid-range, three-point, and free-throw shots. With driving dunks, setting a higher stat doesn’t always translate to performing better dunks. You’ll want to practice and perfect your dunks to truly take effect. As well as prioritize protecting the ball while dunking. Also, a high speed should help you perform faster, more elusive dunks. Overall, though, performing a perfect driving dunk is great for finishing swift counterattacks with style. Standing dunks aren’t a deal-breaker for shooting guards, as is post-control. However, you still need some level of skill in your finishers, so go ahead and set them as follows:

Close Shot: 54

Driving Layup: 36

Driving Dunk: 75

Standing Dunk: 32

Post Control: 26


Here is where the shooting guard’s skills and abilities come into play. For the most part, you want a Shooting Guard you can rely on to make the shots and make them accurate. Free throws, specifically, need to achieve at least an 80% success rate. So, to get those points locked and loaded, crank up your three-pointers. The mid-range shot is also one of the most commonly placed scorers, so make sure to master it. When you combine your mid-range shots with other scoring plays like free throws and three-pointers, you should have an easy time dominating the court in no time at all.

Mid-Range Shot: 84

Three-Point Shot: 99

Free Throw: 74


Point guards are traditionally better suited to perfecting playmaking. So, you may not have to focus too much on these for your shooting guards. However, you’ll want to single-out pass accuracy. When you’re maneuvering that three-point line with the ball, at times, it’s pretty high stakes to warrant passing the ball to a teammate who’s open. And so, high pass accuracy is necessary to time your passes to your teammates perfectly.

Pass Accuracy: 91

Ball Handle: 56

Speed with Ball: 31

Defense / Rebounding

Perimeter defense and stealing play the most important roles when considering your defense attributes. While shooting is one of the key roles of shooting guards, they also need to perfect stealing the ball on defense. The higher the number of steals, the greater the shooting guard’s opportunity to score. It goes hand in hand with providing a good perimeter defense, where shooting guards need to guard opponents with the ball. Amping these two allows your shooting guard to easily tip the scales in your favor and take accurate open shots or drive the ball to the basket for a slick finish.

Performing a block is great for keeping the basketball in play while still tipping the scales in your favor for a fast break. However, shooting guards don’t necessarily need to block. Their focus is to shoot and put up a good perimeter defense. The same goes for offensive rebounding. It’s a relatively key move for converting rebounds into offensive points when your team is on defense; however, the shooting guard’s prime focus is always to score.

Interior Defense: 33

Perimeter Defense: 92

Steal: 91

Block: 25

Offensive Rebound: 25

Defensive Rebound: 47


The shooting guard position prioritizes speed and acceleration above all else on the physical side of things. Speed will determine how quickly your shooting guard is on their feet. They need to run swiftly and sprint around the court like the wind. In fact, the shooting guard might as well be the fastest player on your team, allowing him to bring the ball down the court quickly. They need to maneuver easily on the field and speed away from opponents.

Hand in hand is acceleration, which is even more vital than speed. A high acceleration cranks up the speed of your shooting guard in short bursts or sprints when dribbling. When you combine high speed and acceleration, it helps create more opportunities for the shooting guard to score.

Speed: 80

Acceleration: 93

Strength: 50

Vertical: 51

Stamina: 55

So, what’s your take? Do you agree with our best Shooting Guard build in NBA 2K24? Are there more Shooting Guard builds we should know about? Let us know over on our socials here.

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Best Shooting Guard Build in NBA 2K24 (2)

Evans Karanja

Evans I. Karanja is a freelance writer who loves to write about anything technology. He is always on the lookout for interesting topics, and enjoys writing about video games, cryptocurrency and blockchain and more. When not writing, he can be found playing video games or watching F1.

Best Shooting Guard Build in NBA 2K24 (3)

Best Shooting Guard Build in NBA 2K24 (2024)


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