What Types of Fish Should I Get for My First Freshwater Aquarium? (2024)

Freshwater Fish Breeds


Shirlie Sharpe

Shirlie Sharpe

Shirlie Sharpe is an aquatic expert and writer with over three decades of experience keeping and raising ornamental fish. She has consulted with The Minnesota Zoo and the National Aquarium. Shirlie has also authored a book on setting up aquariums.

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Updated on 04/06/23

Reviewed by

Nick Saint-Erne

What Types of Fish Should I Get for My First Freshwater Aquarium? (1)

Reviewed byNick Saint-Erne

Dr. Nick Saint-Erne, DVM, is a highly accomplished veterinarian and writer who has treated zoo animals and exotic pets for more than 35 years. He has worked with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to improve pet store animal care among other endeavors. Dr. Saint-Erne is part of The Spruce Pets' veterinary review board.

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Nothing is more exciting than adding new fish to a newly set up aquarium. However, the fish you choose will have a big impact on your tank's success or failure. Unfortunately, many new fish owners make the wrong choices, lose some or all of their fish right away, and give up on keeping fish.

The two biggest errors made when stocking a new aquarium are adding too many fish at a time and choosing incompatible species. Tip the scales in your favor by following these basic, but important, steps to stock your new aquarium correctly.

How Many Fish?

When you are considering the many beautiful fish at the pet shop, remember one word—moderation. In most cases, only two or three fish should be introduced to a tank initially. Once the nitrogen cycle is established and the tank is stable, additional fish can be added each week. However, the same rule applies when adding the next round of fish. Moderation: you must add only a few at a time.

So how many fish can you add? That depends on the capacity of the aquarium. In general, fish need 1-2 gallons of water for each inch of adult body length. Remember that most fish sold in fish stores, except for smaller fish like guppies and tetras, are not at their adult size in the stores. Please read the information tags on the aquarium for each fish you are interested in to see how big it will be as an adult. Some fish sold in the shops, like oscars or catfish, might currently be only a few inches, but can grow to be a foot long as adults!

Factors in Choosing Fish

Fish owners tend to opt for fish with the most physical appeal. Pretty fish are sometimes acceptable beginner choices, but there are other more important factors to consider. A beginner fish should have these qualities:

  • Tolerates a variety of water conditions, particularlythe conditions during startup
  • Accepts a variety of foods, and are easy to feed
  • Does not grow to be overly large
  • Not aggressive
  • Compatible with a variety of other fish (unless you're creating a single species tank)

Small schooling fish are generally good first fish, but take care to not add an entire school at once if the tank is new. If you want more than one species, do not start them all at the same time. Instead, build one school up before starting the next species. For schooling fish, it is preferable to have 5 or more fish in the school to keep them happy, but start with 3, and introduce more after the tank goes through the nitrogen cycle.

Tetras, for instance, are a schooling fish to avoid in any new tank. Most are more sensitive to water conditions than other fish, and often will not survive the initial start-up cycle. It’s generally best to wait until the tank is mature before adding Tetras. Danios and barbs are better schooling fish to start with in a new aquarium.

Good First Fish

  • Barbs: Cherry, Gold, Rosy, Ruby, Purple, and Tico Barbs are good. Avoid Tinfoil and Spanner Barbs due to their larger size, and avoid Tiger Barbs because they tend to nip and be quarrelsome.
  • Danios: Zebra, Leopard, and Pearl Danios are good. Avoid Giant Danios, due to their size.
  • Rasboras: Harlequins and Scissortails are good choices.
  • Catfish (some varieties): Bronze or Gold Corydoras, Spotted Cory, Bandit Cory, and Panda Cory, are good. Avoid Plecos unless you have a large tank or have a local pet shop that will take them back when they get too large for your tank. Avoid upper water catfish (those that are not bottom dwelling) as they will grow larger than the size they are sold at in the fish stores.
  • Rainbowfish: Boesmans, Neon, and Celebes are all good.
  • White Cloud Mountain Minnows
  • Gouramis: the dwarf gouramis is a little more delicate, but blue, gold, opaline and pearl gouramis are larger, colorful fish that can be kept in community aquariums.

Although the list seems small, there is quite a variety to choose from. Once your tank matures, you can branch out into other species of fish.

Wrong First Fish

If you are wondering why your favorite fish isn't on the "good first fish" list, here are some popular fish that you should not add to your new freshwater aquarium.

  • Catfish (some varieties): Many catfish are sensitive to the start-up cycle, or they grow too large to be good first fish. For example, the common Pleco is a hardy fish, but it grows to be very large. The Otocinclus is smallbut very sensitive to toxins that are usually present in a newly started tank.
  • Goldfish: Goldfish are cold-water fish that produce copious amounts of waste, which means that they require a larger tank all to themselves; and yet, the proverbial goldfish bowl is not an ideal home for the goldfish. If you want a goldfish, give it a nice roomy tank of just goldfish.
  • Live bearing fish: If you have children, you may be tempted to get live bearing fish. Because they require special conditions (most notably salt in the water)and are more susceptible to disease, they are not ideal first fish. If you do opt for live-bearing fish, choose one species only, such as mollies or platys. Guppies are typically more sensitive than these to new tank water conditions.
  • Cichlids: most cichlids tend to be aggressive and get rather large. These are best suited for experienced fish keepers with larger aquariums.

At the Fish Shop

Ask the fish store associate what the adult size is of each fish you are interested in, as they may not be full grown in the store. Be sure you are not buying too many fish at one time, and that the fish you buy are compatible with each other, and with those you already have at home. Only add two or three new fish to your aquarium at a time, and then wait a week or two before adding new ones, until you reach the maximum number of fish that can be kept in your size of aquarium.

Now that you've decided on the species of fish, there is one more important step–choosing healthy individuals. When you go to the shop, don't accept just any fish. Look them over carefully. Avoid fish with wounds or nipped fins as they are likely to be more susceptible to disease. Check the eyes; cloudy eyes are a sign of poor water conditions and or disease. Also avoid fish with sunken bellies, as they have been chronically underfed and may be suffering from a disease.

Avoid fish with fuzzy or ragged fins, or signs of disease such as patchiness or white spots on the skin. Make sure the fish is swimming normally, with the fins erect, and be sure it eats actively when fed. This will give you the best chance of buying a healthy fish.

What Types of Fish Should I Get for My First Freshwater Aquarium? (2024)


What Types of Fish Should I Get for My First Freshwater Aquarium? ›

Swordtails, guppies, platys, and mollies make up the variety of this group. It is best to avoid the swordtails and the sailfin mollies if your aquarium is under 10 gallons as they really need a larger tank with more space. Guppies, platies, and the common mollies will all do well in tanks under 10 gallons.

What is the best starter fish for a freshwater tank? ›

Swordtails, guppies, platys, and mollies make up the variety of this group. It is best to avoid the swordtails and the sailfin mollies if your aquarium is under 10 gallons as they really need a larger tank with more space. Guppies, platies, and the common mollies will all do well in tanks under 10 gallons.

What is the first fish to add to a new aquarium? ›

Most are more sensitive to water conditions than other fish, and often will not survive the initial start-up cycle. It's generally best to wait until the tank is mature before adding Tetras. Danios and barbs are better schooling fish to start with in a new aquarium.

What's the easiest freshwater fish to catch? ›

Of all the fish on this list, crappies—especially black crappies—are the easiest fish to catch and worth pursuing if you are new to the sport. Jigging, trolling, and still fishing are all suitable methods for hunting crappie, and we recommend using live bait (insects, minnows, flies) or jigs for the best results.

How many fish should a beginner have? ›

In the past, it was often recommended to beginners that you can keep 1 inch of fish for every 1 gallon of water. This rule of thumb mainly applies to small community fish that are approximately 1-3 inches (2-7 cm) in size.

What is the best starter fish for beginners? ›

Fish that are great for beginners and easy to learn to take care of include some types of Tetras, Rasboras, Danios, White Cloud Mountain Minnows, Swordtails, Plaites, Mollies, Cory Catfish and Betta Fish.

What is the best fish to try for the first time? ›

Tilapia – tilapia is arguably the mildest tasting fish there is. It's not fishy at all and has a mild sweetness. Tilapia is easy to prepare and goes well with a variety of different flavor profiles. Cod – cod has a mild flavor that's slightly sweet like tilapia.

How many days should I wait to put fish in a new tank? ›

You're going to be excited and anxious to fill your new aquarium with fish. Be patient! Let your aquarium "settle" for at least 48 hours before buying your first fish. This will give you time to make sure the temperature is set and make adjustments to decorations, etc.

What are the hardiest freshwater fish? ›

Livebearers are the best bet. These are guppies, platies, swordtails and mollies. All great beginner fish as well. African cichlids (the general cichlid response below is not quite correct, as Amazonian cichlids need very soft and acidic water, the very opposite of hard).

How many fish should I put in a new tank? ›

The one inch per gallon rule

If you're seeking a hard and fast rule for how many fish you can keep, there isn't one but, by using this method as a rough estimate, and by considering the other variables at play, you'll be able to work out how many fish to keep in your tank.

What is the cheapest freshwater fish to buy? ›

Top 10 budget-friendly fish
  • Barbs. The barb group's made up of a huge range of species, and there are some stunning colours and patterns among them. ...
  • Tetras. Great looking and low maintenance, this freshwater species can make a wonderful addition to your home. ...
  • Swordtails. ...
  • Molly fish. ...
  • Algae eaters. ...
  • Bettas. ...
  • Danios.

What freshwater fish is the most fun to catch? ›

Greatest Game Fish of North America
  • (1) The Black Basses. Among the black-bass genus, Micropterus, are two of the most iconic freshwater sportfish on the continent: the largemouth and smallmouth basses. ...
  • (2) Walleye. ...
  • (3) Muskellunge. ...
  • (4) Northern Pike. ...
  • (5) Trout/Char. ...
  • (6) Salmon. ...
  • (7) Striped Bass. ...
  • (8) Red Drum.
Mar 3, 2022

Can 1 fish live alone? ›

Yes, a single fish can survive in an aquarium, but whether it thrives or not depends on the species and its specific needs. Some fish are naturally solitary and prefer to be the only fish in the tank.

Is it OK to have just one fish? ›

It depends on the size of the tank and how much maintenance you can give it. It also really depends on the individual fish. Some fish are bullies and should live alone, others practically need another fish. But usually, I like to have two fish so they keep each other company.

What type of fish tank is easiest to maintain? ›

Freshwater tropical aquariums are a great place to start in your fish keeping hobby. Colourful and natural, they provide an impressive visual whilst requiring a less demanding maintenance regime and lower operating costs.

What fish tastes least fishy? ›

Most white fish—think tilapia, halibut, grouper, cod—are considered mild in flavor but sometimes have a delicate, sweet, and buttery taste. That's why we like these fish as options for seafood beginners.

What is the easiest fish to take care of in a 1 gallon tank? ›

In a one-gallon tank, it's best to keep small fish like a single Betta fish (also known as Siamese Fighting Fish). They can thrive in such a small space as long as the tank is properly maintained with regular water changes and suitable filtration.


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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.