Pathfinder: Kingmaker Companions - Tips, Skills & more (2024)

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Pathfinder: Kingmaker Companions - Tips, Skills & more (1)

  • Benjamin Danneberg

Pathfinder: Kingmaker

Status: Released

Release: 25.09.2018


Game version: incl. DLCs: The Wildcards Varnhold's Lot Beneath the Stolen Lands

Here you will find a list of all companions in Pathfinder: Kingmaker, their locations, special features, romances as well as tips on skills and equipment.

In this article we answer the following questions:

  • Which companions exist and where do I find them?
  • What weapons and armor should they wear?
  • How should I skill my companions?
  • With which companions can I have a romance?

In Pathfinder: Kingmaker, our main character is supported by up to five companions. We select the group members from a total of eleven possible characters (twelve, if you own the DLC “Wildcards”). Let us tell you where you can find your companions.

Below we present each character in detail and give you tips for skills (please note that we have also listed talents that may already be available) and equipment. This is based on our experience (Act 3 at the moment), but we are far from finished with the game. We will update skills and equipment on a regular basis. You can find a list of the best weapons and armor in Pathfinder: Kingmaker in a separate article. There you can also check out where to find the items we recommend.

  • Hint & little spoiler: The companions who follow Tartuccio in the prologue will be available for us later. You will also find information about the respective companion quests in this article, as far as they are available to us and seem necessary. The quest hints are hidden behind a fold-out element to protect you from spoilers.

All companions in detail

In this section

  1. Amiri
  2. Ekundayo
  3. Harrim
  4. Jubilost
  5. Jaethal
  6. Kaessi
  7. Linzi
  8. Nok-Nok
  9. Octavia
  10. Regongar
  11. Tristian
  12. Valerie


Quest Hints

Amiri’s personal quest should not require assistance until the 3rd act.

Amiri is a wild and very resolute fighter, who means pure destruction with her two-handed weapon, but needs support in battle.

AlignmentChaotic Neutral
Recommended WeaponTwo-handed weapon (f.e. Trollschnitter)
Recommended FeatsWeapon Focus (preferred weapon), Armor Proficiency (Medium Armor), Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will, Great Fortitude, Combat Reflexes, Diehard
Recommended GearStag’s Helmet, Cloak of Resistance, Ring of Protection, Ring of Luck, The Heart of Ira, Heart of Valor, Belt of Physical Perfection
RemarksContrary to what Amiri likes to claim, she needs support at all costs, such as healing and buffing. Apart from that, with a decent two-handed weapon she’s a real wrecking ball in melee combat.


Quest Hints

Ekundayo’s personal quest should not require assistance until the 3rd act.

The calm Ekundayo and his wolf are a real treat for the group, especially in the wilderness.

AlignmentLawful Good
LocationRuined Watchtower (Act 2)
Recommended Weapon(Composite) Longbow (f.e. Savage Bow)
Recommended FeatsWeapon Focus (Bow preferred), Point-Blank-Shot, Point-Blank Master (preferred Bow), Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Manyshot, Armor Proficiency (Light Armor), Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will, Great Fortitude, Diehard
Recommended GearHide Armor (+3 or better), Belt of Incredible Desterity
RemarksNot yet


Quest Hints

Harrim should be in the party when you visit the Dwarven Ruins.

The eternally complaining dwarf kills our nerves, but he is just as often the deciding factor for victory in a really close battle.

AlignmentChaotic Neutral
Recommended WeaponHeavy Mace (f.e. Shock Frost Heavy Mace +1), Heavy Shield (f.e. Ancestral Dwarfen Shield)
Recommended FeatsWeapon Focus (Heavy Mace), Arcane Armor Training, Armor Proficiency (Medium Armor), Combat Casting, Shield Proficiency, Extra Channel, Spell Focus (Beschwörung, Verzauberung, Verwandlung), Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will, Great Fortitude, Diehard
Recommended GearPhylaktery of Positive Energy, Cloak of Heroism, Ring of Protection, Bracers of Armor, Breastplate, Belt of Physical Perfection
RemarksThe complaining dwarf is a bit annoying, but a very good support as a melee cleric, who can make the difference in really hard fights.


Quest Hints

Not yet

The impertinent gnome is equally skilled at throwing bombs and rants around.

AlignmentChaotic Neutral
LocationA Ford across the Skunk River (Act 2, Quest „Renowned Explorer“)
Recommended WeaponCrossbow
Recommended FeatsAbility Focus (Bombs), Extra Bombs, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will, Great Fortitude, Diehard
Recommended GearHeadband of Vast Intelligence, Cloak of Resistance, Ring of Protection, Amulet of Natural Armor, Bombardier’s Vest, Belt of Mighty Constitution, Gear’s Rule
RemarksJubilost is an excellent damage dealer and very entertaining. He is also a talented treasurer for the barony.


Quest Hints

The wild boar with the knife is in the centre below the huge tree on the map “Old Sycamore”.

The undead Elf is not easy to deal with.

AlignmentNeutral Evil
Recommended WeaponScythe
Recommended FeatsWeapon Focus (Scythe), Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Armor Proficiency (Medium Armor), Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will, Great Fortitude, Diehard
Recommended GearNot yet
Specific featureJaethal is undead and cannot be healed by positive energies. Instead you must use negative energies to heal her.


Quest Hints

Not yet

The newest companion is a Tiefling lady, she is a Kineticist. However, she is only available through the DLC “Wildcards”.

AlignmentTrue Neutral
LocationCapital of the Barony (appears automatically in the throne room)
RomanceYes, men and women
Recommended Weaponn/a
Recommended Featsn/a
Recommended Gearn/a
RemarksWe will update the new character data as soon as possible.


Quest Hints

The wrecked transport with the printing press can be found on the map “Swamp Witch’s Hut”.

Linzi is simply heart and soul of the whole game. She is also the perfect support for the team.

AlignmentChaotic Good
Recommended WeaponLight Crossbow
Recommended FeatsLingering Performance, Extra Performance, Combat Casting, Arcane Strike, Arcane Armor Training, Deft Hands, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will, Great Fortitude, Diehard
Recommended GearExpert’s Hat, Cloak of Shadows, Shelyns Embrace, Ring of Protection, Amulet of Natural Armor, Vest of Hundred Pockets, Belt of Physical Form, Trapspringer’s Gloves
RemarksLinzi’s songs are very helpful both in combat and in disarming traps or opening locks. She’s also able to cast awesome buffs and protection spells.


Quest Hints

Not yet.

Small and mean: The Goblin is an experienced, sneaky blade swinger.

AlignmentChaotic Evil
ClassKnife Master
LocationGoblin Fort
Recommended WeaponTwo one-handed weapons (f.e. Kukris)
Recommended FeatsWeapon Focus (Kukri or other preferred weapon), Two-Weapon Fighting, Double Slice, Weapon Finesse, Armor Proficiency (Light Armor), Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will, Great Fortitude, Diehard
Recommended Gearn/a
RemarksNot yet


Quest Hints

Not yet.

The half-elf can do many things well, but nothing perfect, unless we specialize her. However, you can experience some special moments with her

AlignmentChaotic Good
ClassRogue, Wizard
LocationTechnic League Encampment
RomanceYes, men and women
Recommended WeaponShortbow
Recommended FeatsWeapon Focus (Shortbow), Armor Proficiency (Light Armor), Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Spell Focus (Transmutation), Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will, Great Fortitude, Diehard
Recommended Gearn/a
RemarksDuring the troll quest in the second act, give Octavia the wizard’s whip if you want to start something with her. She has naughty things in mind…


Quest Hints

Not yet.

The bisexual half-orc (!) convinces with his blood magic, but is not necessarily the most pleasant person.

AlignmentChaotic Evil
ClassEldritch Scion
LocationTechnic League Encampment
RomanceYes, men and women
Recommended Weaponn/a
Recommended FeatsSpell Focus (Universalist), Combat Casting, Armor Proficiency (Light Armor), Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will, Great Fortitude, Diehard
Recommended Gearn/a
RemarksNot yet


Quest Hints

No instructions necessary so far (Act 3).

Tristian is the definition of good and he proves it with every single buff and healing.

AlignmentNeutral Good
LocationTemple of the Elk
RomanceYes, women
Recommended WeaponRanged Weapon
Recommended FeatsCombat Casting, Extra Channel, Spell Focus (Evocation, Conjuration, Enchantment), Arcane Armor Training, Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration, Weapon Focus (ranged weapon preferred), Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will, Great Fortitude, Diehard
Recommended GearHeadband of Inspired Wisdom, Wyvern Skin Cloak, Energy Source, Bracers of Armor, The Nymph’s Gift, Robe (f.e. Robe of Earth), Belt of Physical Form
RemarksTristian is a great healer, who can keep the whole group alive in intense battles. Don’t let him get into close combat and keep him at a medium distance from the front line so he doesn’t have to walk forever to heal.


Quest Hints

In the fight against the Paladin of Shelyn, Fredero Sinnet, it’s not necessary to win. The fight is very hard, but the result is basically the same in victory (buff Valerie beforehand!) or defeat.

Beautiful and yet an unshakable rock in battle: we have to earn the trust of bitter Valerie first.

AlignmentLawful Neutral
ClassTower Shield Specialist
RomanceYes, men
Recommended WeaponBastard Sword (f.e. Flaming Bastardsword), Tower Shield (f.e. Flameguard)
Pro Tip: Give Valerie a heavy shield until level five, as she will receive a -2 penalty on attack rolls until she gains the special ability “Tower Shield Expert”.
Recommended FeatsWeapon Focus and Greater Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword), Weapon Specialisation (Bastard Sword), Improved Critical (Bastard Sword), Armor Proficiency (Heavy Armor), Shield Focus, Greater Shield Focus, Shield Proficiency, Greater Shield Proficiency, Intimidating Prowess, Dodge, Blind Fight, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will, Great Fortitude, Diehard
Recommended GearHelmet of battlefield Clarity, Cloak of Winter Veil, Ring of Protection, Amulet of Natural Armor, Full Plate, Belt of Physical Might
RemarksValerie’s the perfect tank. Make her open a fight by using “Charge” on the appropriate enemy to bind multiple enemies.

How can I create my own companions and what are the advantages and disadvantages?

  • You can buy individual companions from Anoriel Achtauge in Oleg’s Trading Post or later in the tavern located in the capital of the barony.

Anoriel Achtauge offers a service at Oleg’s Trading Post, or later at the tavern in the capital, that allows you to create individual companions. This can be especially helpful if you’re not completely satisfied with the eleven companions described above.

Creating a new companion allows you to build a perfect party member. However, this costs a lot of gold per companion (it scales with your level; at the beginning it is 2,000 gold, at level 10 already 50,000 gold). So, you should consider this very carefully. Another disadvantage of the retort heroes is that they come without a personality and don’t bring their own quest.

Pathfinder: Kingmaker Companions - Tips, Skills & more (16)

  • Benjamin Danneberg
  • Topic:Games

Benjamin Danneberg

Pathfinder: Kingmaker

Status: Released

Release: 25.09.2018



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Pathfinder: Kingmaker Companions - Tips, Skills & more (2024)


What is the easiest class in Kingmaker? ›

Pathfinder: Kingmaker

Best class to start out as? Sylvan sorcerer is a great class to start with for new players. Base ranger archer is solid but one of the companion is one of those and he is very strong.

How to get jubilost? ›

Jubilost is a published author who can end up joining your party during Act Two. When you are doing the Troll Trouble quest, head to the Ford Across Skunk River to encounter Jubilost and his wagon. Save him and you will get the chance to recruit him.

What is the chance of hitting in Kingmaker? ›

An attack roll always succeeds when the die result is 20 (before modifiers) and always fails if it is 1 (before any modifiers), so there is always at least a 5% chance to hit or miss, regardless of anything else.

Do choices matter in Pathfinder: Kingmaker? ›

Choices Matter.

Kingmaker is a game where you make a million choices, both as an adventurer and as a ruler. They matter. Like Dragon Age (and unlike Mass Effect) choosing it isn't always obvious which is the “best” option. In some ways I feel the choices were more quantity than quality.

Is it possible to solo Pathfinder Kingmaker? ›

Pathfinder: Kingmaker can be challenging to play solo as the game is designed for a full party. While it is possible to play solo, you may find certain parts of the game difficult to complete without the support of a party.

Can you save Jubilost cart? ›

If the cart is saved Jubilost Narthropple could be invited to your team, if you failed to save the cart then he will tell you to find Dwarven Ruins first. If left on the location he will stay until The Varnhold Vanishing is started.

Can you respec in Kingmaker? ›

Respec Services

Talk with Anoriel to respec player-created characters and story companions. The first three respecs are free. If respeccing a player-created character it returns to the character creations screen. In which you can respec all aspects of the character.

How do you recruit Tsanna in Pathfinder: Kingmaker? ›

It's Tsanna, leader of the Cult of Lamashtu. To recruit her, you have to let everybody go, instead of arresting and executing them all. Afterward, head back to the Shrine of Lamashtu to find Tsanna there. You can then offer her a job as one of your advisors.

Does deity matter in Kingmaker? ›

Alignment is gone, so your deity is the only thing that could restrict you. - Pathfinder kingmaker limits domains, deities and alignment, but the selection is so large that players will rarely have a problem to find gods and domains that fir their character. I like this more.

What are the most useful favored enemies in Pathfinder Kingmaker? ›

Humans are a good safe bet for a favored enemy early game. Undead are also okay. As for favored terrain, select underground early game, and first world (fey realm) later on. As you may have guessed, fey are also an important choice as a favored enemy type.

Can you get to level 20 in Kingmaker? ›

If you're smart, your MC can reach level 20 long before the endgame. Your companions will catch up later. There is a specific area late game where you can go from level 16 (if you've been thorough) to level 19 or even 20. Not all skills are equal.

Can you keep play after ending Pathfinder: Kingmaker? ›

After you defeat the final boss you will get an ending epilogue, credits and then be booted back to the main menu. You cant continue playing after the story ends. Also, most of the companions can die during the story if you did not completed their personal quests in a satisfactory manner.

How important is wisdom in Pathfinder? ›

Wisdom is the most important ability for clerics and druids, and it is also important for paladins and rangers. If you want your character to have Acute Senses, put a high score in Wisdom. Every Creature has a Wisdom score. A character with a Wisdom score of 0 is incapable of rational thought and is unconscious.

What is the favored class bonus in Pathfinder: Kingmaker? ›

It adds the following options for favored class bonuses: +1 HP/level. +1 skill point/2 levels. +1 round of rage/bloodrage/bard or skald performance/level for certain races.

What is the best easiest class in WoW? ›

Best Class in WoW for Tank: Death Knight. Best Class in WoW for Healer: Priest. Best Class in WoW (Easiest) for Solo Melee DPS: Demon Hunter. Best Class in WoW (Easiest) for Solo Ranged DPS: Hunter.

Is Pathfinder Kingmaker easy to learn? ›

Pathfinder is definitely one of the more complicated systems to learn but it is worth it when you learn it because it is so intricate. Personally, the story in both Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous are top notch so even if your mechanic isn't very good, you'll still enjoy the story.

What is the best beginner class in Pathfinder wrath? ›

Yeah, Fighter seems like the best option for starting out. Play style is pretty straight forward. Just run in the direction of the nearest enemy and hit them until they die. Also, you get the most selection of feats in the game.

What is the favored class bonus in Pathfinder Kingmaker? ›

It adds the following options for favored class bonuses: +1 HP/level. +1 skill point/2 levels. +1 round of rage/bloodrage/bard or skald performance/level for certain races.


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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.