Aug. 6 primary results for contested races and ballot proposals in Ingham, Eaton and Clinton counties, according to unofficial election results.
U.S. Senate
Harper Hill, 219,298
Elissa Slotkin, 705,803
Justin Amash, 136,900
Sherry O’Donnell, 105,857
Sandy Pensler, 79,124
Mike Rogers, 552,371
State House
71st District (Republican)
Brian BeGole, 7,265
Kevin Rathbun, 3,550
76th District (Republican)
Peter Jones, 1,148
Andy Shaver, 6,612
77th District
Emily Dievendorf, 6,273
Angela Mathews, 3,187
Julie DeRose, 2,311
Cady Ness-Smith, 2,802
78th District (Republican)
Gina Johnsen, 8,932
Jon Rocha, 3,438
Ingham County
Contested county commissioner races
5th District (Democrat)
Manuel Delgado Jr., 552
Myles Johnson, 1,006
6th District (Democrat)
Jacob Russell, 559
Rachel Willis, 1,624
12th District (Democrat)
Irene Cahill, 1,304
Parker Van Voorhees, 404
Contested township offices
Aurelius Township supervisor (Republican)
David Droscha, 380
Ronnie Niesel, 195
Aurelius Township clerk (Republican)
Tracy Ayres, 272
Bethany Walter, 298
Aurelius Township treasurer (Republican)
Marnie Anderson, 288
Mary Grabow, 263
Aurelius Township trustee (Republican, vote for 2)
Tyler Fanson, 259
Gary Malcangi, 324
Gordon Waltz, 400
Delhi Township trustee (Democrat, vote for 4)
Patrick Brown, 1,722
Patrick DeRosa, 1,783
Fred Ford 1,787
Phillip Knapman 1,216
Matt Lincoln 1,732
DiAnne Warfield, 2,617
Ingham Township trustee (Republican, vote for 2)
David Harns, 172
Krista Williams Kuehner, 129
Alesha Metter, 116
Lansing Township trustee (Democrat, vote for 4)
Henrietta Brewer, 601
John Broughton, 394
Leslie Graham, 613
Tracie Harris, 637
Nathan Ruiz, 554
Locke Township trustee (Republican, vote for 2)
Jean Marie Coe, 138
Ty Hull, 146
Duane Pinckney, 107
Meridian Township clerk (Democrat, vote for 1)
Angela Demas, 3,655
Mike McCurdy, 2,217
Emily Stivers, 1,901
Meridian Township treasurer (Democrat, vote for 1)
Phil Deschaine, 5,507
Mary Waller, 2,037
Meridian Township trustee (Democrat, vote for 4)
Nickolas Lentz, 4,556
Milton Scales, 3,922
Kathy Ann Sundland, 5,000
Roger Taylor, 1,376
Peter Trezise 4,644
Marna Wilson, 5,501
Onondaga Township supervisor (Republican)
Phil Hutchison, 200
Rhiannon Schindewolf-DeShais, 169
Onondaga Township trustee (Republican, vote for 2)
Alexander Clarke, 174
Roger Garner, 225
John Myers, 200
Wheatfield Township supervisor (Republican)
John Bjorlie, 67
Norm Grant, 153
Williamstown Township treasurer
Richard Horton, 270
Kim VanErp, 365
Ingham County tax proposals
Elder persons millage
Yes, 38,378
No 9,432
Basic health services millage
Yes, 36,293
No, 11,486
Lansing Township operating millage
Yes, 851
No, 457
Lansing Township police, fire and general operating millage
Yes, 966
No, 350
Lansing Township street and sidewalk millage
Yes, 984
No, 330
Leslie Township fire protection millage
Yes, 444
No, 112
Williamston senior center millage renewal
Yes, 839
No, 196
Stockbridge Community Schools operating millage
Yes, 416
No, 277
Williamston Community Schools operating millage
Yes, 2,054
No, 1,086
Williamston Community Schools bond proposal
Yes, 1,927
No, 1,211
Eaton County
Contested county commission races
District 3
Michael Doty, 348
Jason Peek, 485
Darren Musolff, 278
Sally Jo Nelton, 190
District 6 (Democrat)
Anthony Garland, 208
Jane Whitacre, 669
District 8 (Democrat)
Isaac Francisco, 236
Kyle Jones, 316
District 11 (Republican)
Scott Hansen, 455
Wayne Ridge, 371
District 15 (Republican)
Keith Barber, 358
Vincent Vyvyan, 102
Township offices
Benton Township supervisor (Republican)
Dean Butler, 144
Gary Suits, 222
Jack Temsey, 27
Benton Township treasurer (Republican)
Jayne Hoxie, 185
Karen Miller, 201
Benton Township trustee (Republican, vote for 4)
Jan Bruce, 88
Randy Bruce, 127
David Falsetta, 182
Scott Hoornstra, 179
Charles Meddaugh, 120
Russ Mowen, 95
Neal Rohrs, 143
Jerry Sweet, 129
Chris Tennes, 226
Carmel Township supervisor (Republican)
Rick Dykstra, 197
Steven Willard, 154
Chester Township treasurer (Republican)
Judy Ash, 86
Leslie Garn, 217
Delta Township trustee (Democrat, vote for 4)
Beth Bowen, 2,723
Fonda Brewer, 2,544
Tina Brill, 1,120
Andrea Cascarilla, 3,235
Alana Chriest, 1,582
Jerimic Clayborn III, 1,555
Karen Mojica, 2,193
Eaton Township trustee (Republican, vote for 2)
James Droscha, 388
Tyger Fullerton, 206
Richard Harvey, 266
Eaton Rapids Township supervisor (Republican)
James Lee Ivy, 148
Scott Wilson, 255
Kalamo Township trustee (Republican, vote for 2)
Mike Newsome, 111
Willis Rugg, 103
Larry Stevens, 84
Oneida Township trustee (Republican, vote for 4)
Thomas Campbell, 213
Griff Drew, 143
Jeri Haddix, 173
Terrie Kosbar, 148
Madelyne Lawry, 172
Michaela Mosher, 111
Krystal Sanford, 90
Janet Schultz, 252
Roxand Township trustee (Republican, vote for 2)
Jim Lilly, 139
Armon Southworth, 120
Edd Vedder, 70
Walton Township trustee (Republican, vote for 2)
Jonathan Conklin, 81
Richard Heisler, 130
David Moody, 82
Bob Starkweather, 84
Windsor Township supervisor (Republican)
Beth Shaw, 459
Kern Slucter, 297
Windsor Township trustee (Republican, vote for 4)
Jason Knott, 409
Anthony Piper Jr., 466
Patricia Pisano, 366
Sandra Pray, 541
Stacy VanElls, 371
Eaton County ballot proposals
Charlotte Community Library, Chester Township
Yes, 108
No, 362
Charlotte Community Library, Olivet
Yes, 73
No, 51
Village of Bellevue street replacement
Yes, 56
No, 156
Eaton Rapids Area District Library
Yes, 985
No, 1,211
Sunfield District Library
Yes, 296
No, 142
Oneida District No. 3 operating millage
Yes, 14
No, 7
Clinton County
Drain Commissioner (Republican)
Tim Gill, 2,978
Phil Hanses, 4,854
Contested county commission races
District 1 (Republican)
Nicole Fickes, 698
Val Vail-Shirey, 528
District 4 (Republican, vote for 1)
Brian Hurtekant, 700
Kenneth Mitchell, 596
Ryan Wood, 277
District 5 (Republican)
Brian Byars, 292
Robert Showers, 448
Township offices
DeWitt Township trustee (Republican, vote for 4)
Lisa Barrone, 459
Thomas Hamp, 455
Frederick Koos, 425
Brian Ross, 567
Steven Smith, 529
Riley Township supervisor (Republican)
Derek Dombroski, 112
Kevin Garvey, 160
Victor Township trustee (Republican, vote for 2)
Nathan Pesch, 259
Margaret Sayles, 246
David Sell, 219
Westphalia Township clerk (Republican)
Heather Platte, 209
Kristana Thelen, 466
Westphalia Township trustee (Republican, vote for 2)
Michelle Barker, 514
Jeffery Platte, 148
Andrew Thelen, 556
Clinton County ballot proposals
Clinton Area Transit System
Yes, 10,424
No, 4,822
Clinton County Regional Education Service Agency special education millage
Yes, 4,845
No, 2,129
Bath Township public safety millage
Yes, 1,520
No, 907
Dallas Township special assessments
Yes, 436
No, 118
Duplain Township road improvements
Yes, 232
No, 150
Duplain Township emergency services
Yes, 261
No, 127
Greenbush Township road improvements
Yes, 298
No, 216
Ovid Township emergency services
Yes, 286
No, 152
Riley Township roads and bridges
Yes, 347
No, 146
Bath Community Schools sinking fund millage
Yes, 132
No, 73