How to Get Rid of Clover in Lawn Without Killing Your Grass - (2024)

Clover, with its distinctive trifoliate leaves and white blossoms, can be both a blessing and a bane to gardeners and lawn enthusiasts alike. While some appreciate its resilience and nitrogen-fixing ability, others see it as a relentless invader, detracting from the uniform green they strive for in their lawns. If you’re in the latter camp, struggling with clover’s stubborn persistence, this comprehensive guide will arm you with the knowledge and strategies you need to reclaim your verdant oasis.

Understanding Clover

What is Clover?

Clover, scientifically termed Trifolium, is more than just the quintessential symbol of good luck. This genus encompasses over 300 species, each recognized by its distinctive trifoliate (three-leaf) arrangement. While the romantic notion of finding a four-leaf clover persists in folklore, in the realm of gardening and lawn care, clover is often less celebrated. Its resilience and ability to adapt to various environments make it a common, though uninvited, guest in lawns across the globe.

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Clover’s hardiness is both a boon and a bane. On one hand, it can thrive in conditions where more delicate plants might falter, contributing to the biodiversity and ecological health of an area. On the other hand, its vigor makes it a formidable opponent in the quest for a uniform, grass-only lawn. Its rapid spread and tendency to outcompete grasses can quickly transform a manicured lawn into a patchwork of green and clover. Despite its reputation as a lawn weed, clover is not without its charms. Its flowers, ranging from white to pink and even red, can add unexpected splashes of color to a green expanse and attract a variety of pollinators, contributing to the health of the local ecosystem.

Why does it appear in lawns?

The ubiquity of clover in lawns is no accident. Clover seeds, which are incredibly hardy, can lie dormant for years before finding the right conditions to germinate. They can be introduced through various means, including wind, animals, and even contaminated soil or lawn care products.

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Clover’s emergence in a lawn often serves as a barometer for the soil’s health, particularly its nitrogen content. Nitrogen is a critical nutrient for plants, acting as a key component of chlorophyll, the molecule that gives plants their green color and plays a vital role in photosynthesis. When nitrogen levels in the soil are low, grasses can struggle to maintain their vigor and density, creating opportunities for clover to gain a foothold. What sets clover apart from many other plants is its ability to “fix” nitrogen from the air. Thanks to a symbiotic relationship with certain bacteria in its root system, clover can convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use. This natural fertilization process can improve soil fertility over time, making clover a double-edged sword: while it competes with grass for space and resources, it also enriches the soil, potentially benefiting the lawn in the long run.

How To Get Rid of Clover

1. Improve Lawn Health

  • Adjust Soil pH: Clover thrives in low nitrogen levels and poor soil conditions. Test your soil’s pH and adjust it according to the needs of the grass you’re growing. Most grasses prefer a slightly acidic to neutral pH (between 6.0 and 7.0).
  • Fertilize Appropriately: Use a nitrogen-rich fertilizer to address nutrient deficiencies, which can help grass to outcompete clover.
  • Aerate the Soil: Compacted soil favors clover over grass. Aerating your lawn can improve water, nutrient, and oxygen flow to the grass roots, enhancing their growth.

2. Cultural Practices

  • Mow at the Right Height: Keep your lawn at an appropriate height, which for most grass types is about 2.5 to 3 inches. Taller grass shades the soil, reducing clover seed germination and growth.
  • Water Deeply and Less Frequently: Deep, infrequent watering encourages grass roots to grow deeper, making them more resilient and competitive against clover.
  • Overseed: Introduce more grass seeds to your lawn, especially in bare spots, to prevent clover from taking over those areas.

3. Natural Removal Techniques

  • Hand Weeding: For small infestations, hand-pulling clover is effective. Ensure you remove the roots to prevent regrowth.
  • Vinegar Solution: A natural herbicide, vinegar can kill clover. Mix one part water with one part vinegar and spray directly onto the clover. Be cautious, as vinegar can also harm grass and other plants.
  • Corn Gluten Meal: As a pre-emergent herbicide, corn gluten meal can prevent clover seeds from germinating. Apply in early spring before the clover seeds germinate.

4. Chemical Solutions

  • Selective Herbicides: If natural methods are ineffective, consider using a selective herbicide that targets broadleaf plants like clover without harming grass. Look for products containing the active ingredients like MCPP, dicamba, or triclopyr. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and safety.

5. Maintaining a Clover-Free Lawn

  • Regular Monitoring: Keep an eye on your lawn for early signs of clover and address them promptly before they spread.
  • Maintain Good Lawn Practices: Continue with proper mowing, watering, and fertilizing practices to keep your lawn healthy and less inviting to clover.

Natural Removal Techniques

Hand Weeding

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Hand weeding is a straightforward and environmentally friendly approach to removing clover from your lawn. It is particularly effective when the soil is moist, allowing the roots to be pulled out more easily. When hand weeding, it’s crucial to remove as much of the root system as possible to prevent the clover from regrowing. Employing a weeding tool can facilitate the removal of the entire root, making this process more efficient.

Vinegar Solution

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Vinegar serves as a natural herbicide due to its acetic acid content. Creating a mixture of one part water and one part white vinegar can produce a solution capable of killing clover. When applying this solution, it’s important to spray it directly onto the clover, taking care to avoid contact with desirable plants and grass, as vinegar can damage them. The best time to apply this solution is on a sunny day, as the combination of vinegar and sunlight will enhance the weed-killing effect.

Corn Gluten Meal

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Corn gluten meal acts as a natural pre-emergent herbicide, preventing clover seeds from germinating. It is a byproduct of corn milling and contains nitrogen, which can also serve as a fertilizer for your lawn. The application of corn gluten meal should be done in early spring, prior to the germination of clover seeds. It’s important to follow the package instructions for the correct application rate. Note that achieving significant results may require multiple applications over several seasons, as corn gluten meal gradually reduces the seed bank in the soil.

Boiling Water

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Applying boiling water directly onto clover patches offers an immediate, albeit temporary, solution to kill clover. The extreme heat from the boiling water effectively kills the plants and can aid in root removal. However, caution is advised when handling and pouring boiling water to prevent burns. Additionally, this method may also harm surrounding grass and plants, so it should be used with precision and sparingly.

Soap and Water Solution

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A solution of mild soap and water can assist in clover removal by breaking down the waxy surface of the leaves, making the plant more susceptible to dehydration. Mixing a few drops of dish soap with water in a spray bottle creates an effective mixture that can be applied to the clover. This method is most effective on hot days when the added stress of soap can expedite the dehydration process.

Nitrogen boost

Organic Fertilizers

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Organic fertilizers are a natural way to boost soil nitrogen and improve lawn health. They slowly release nitrogen, providing a steady nutrient supply without the fluctuations common with synthetic fertilizers. Key options include blood meal, a high-nitrogen powder from dried animal blood, ideal for quick soil enrichment. Fish emulsion, derived from processed fish, offers a significant nitrogen boost along with other nutrients, despite its strong smell. Alfalfa meal, from ground alfalfa plants, also enhances soil nitrogen and overall fertility. Using these organic fertilizers can help achieve a lush and eco-friendly lawn.


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Composting is a remarkably effective and environmentally friendly method for enriching the nitrogen content of your lawn’s soil, contributing significantly to its overall health and vitality. The process involves the biological decomposition of organic matter, such as kitchen scraps (like fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grounds, and eggshells) and yard waste (including leaves, grass clippings, and small branches), resulting in a nutrient-rich substance known as compost.

Nitrogen-Rich Lawn Treatments

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Synthetic nitrogen fertilizers are crucial for a healthy, lush lawn, available as quick-release for instant greening and growth, or slow-release for steady nourishment. Liquid nitrogen fertilizers, applied with a sprayer, offer fast, even distribution and absorption, ideal for correcting specific nutrient deficiencies. Choosing the right type depends on your lawn’s immediate needs and long-term care objectives, ensuring vibrant growth and optimal lawn health.


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Grasscycling, the practice of leaving grass clippings on the lawn after mowing, is a time-saving method that naturally recycles nutrients, particularly nitrogen, back into the soil. As clippings decompose, they fertilize the lawn, enhancing soil moisture retention, improving soil structure, and contributing to a more resilient grass. This eco-friendly approach reduces yard waste and its associated environmental impact, promoting a healthier, greener lawn with minimal effort.

Chemical Solutions

When natural remedies fall short in controlling clover, chemical solutions, specifically selective herbicides, offer a targeted approach. These herbicides are designed to eliminate broadleaf weeds like clover without damaging the grass, thanks to active ingredients such as 2,4-D, MCPP, dicamba, and triclopyr. These compounds disrupt weed growth patterns, leading to their demise while preserving the lawn. It’s crucial to select products intended for lawn use to safeguard the grass and nearby flora.

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Applying chemical herbicides demands caution and adherence to the manufacturer’s guidelines on mixing, dosage, and safety measures. Optimal application times are in mild weather when clover is in its active growth phase, typically late spring or early fall. This timing ensures the herbicide is effectively absorbed, enhancing its weed-killing efficacy. Using chemical herbicides necessitates safety precautions, including wearing protective gear to prevent skin and eye exposure. It’s also important to keep children and pets away from treated areas until they’re dry and to avoid herbicide use near water bodies to prevent pollution. Although chemical methods are effective in clover eradication, their environmental impact and risks to non-target species make them a last-resort option, best used in conjunction with other weed management strategies for a healthy, clover-free lawn.

Regular Monitoring and Quick Action

Frequent monitoring of your lawn is key to identifying and addressing clover infestations early. Quick action is crucial; removing clover manually or treating small patches with natural or chemical solutions as soon as they appear can prevent them from spreading.

Lawn Health Improvement

  • Proper Fertilization: Use a balanced fertilizer that suits your lawn’s specific needs, focusing on providing enough nitrogen to support healthy grass growth.
  • Adequate Watering: Water your lawn deeply but infrequently to encourage deep root growth, which makes your lawn more resilient against weeds and drought.
  • Regular Mowing: Mow your lawn at the appropriate height for your grass type, which typically means not cutting off more than one-third of the grass blade at a time. This helps maintain a dense lawn that can outcompete clover and other weeds.


In conclusion, effectively managing clover in your lawn involves a balanced approach that includes understanding the plant’s biology, improving lawn health, employing natural and chemical removal techniques, and maintaining consistent lawn care practices. While clover can bring certain benefits to your lawn, such as nitrogen fixation, its rapid spread and potential to dominate can detract from the aesthetic and uniformity of a grassy landscape. Natural methods like hand weeding, vinegar solutions, and promoting healthy soil can be effective for small infestations and those seeking eco-friendly solutions. For more persistent problems, selective herbicides offer a targeted approach, though they should be used judiciously, considering the environmental impact. Ultimately, a healthy, dense lawn that is well-cared for is the best defense against clover and other weeds. Regular mowing, proper fertilization, and adequate watering create unfavorable conditions for clover, encouraging a lush, vibrant lawn that is both beautiful and sustainable.


1. Can clover be beneficial to my lawn?
Yes, clover can be beneficial as it fixes nitrogen from the air, enriching the soil naturally, which supports grass growth. It’s also drought-resistant and can stay green, adding to your lawn’s aesthetics during dry spells.
2. What is the best time of year to treat clover in my lawn?
The optimal time for treating clover is during its active growth periods, typically in late spring or early fall. This ensures that any treatments, whether natural or chemical, are most effective.
3. Are there any natural methods to remove clover without harming my lawn?
Yes, there are several natural methods, including hand weeding, applying a vinegar solution, or using corn gluten meal as a pre-emergent herbicide. These methods can minimize clover without adverse effects on your lawn grass.
4. How long does it usually take to see results after treating clover?
The time frame can vary depending on the treatment method. Natural remedies might take longer, several weeks to months, while chemical herbicides can show results within days to a couple of weeks.
5. Is it necessary to completely remove clover from my lawn?
Not necessarily. Some homeowners choose to keep clover in their lawns due to its benefits. It’s a personal preference, depending on your lawn care goals and the aesthetic you desire for your outdoor space.

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How to Get Rid of Clover in Lawn Without Killing Your Grass - (13)

Joel Cunningham

Forestry Author

I'm Joel Cunningham, an expert in pruning and weed management with over a decade of experience. My skills are rooted in formal training and extensive practice, focusing on advanced pruning techniques and efficient weed control. I'm known for my quality work, precision, and deep understanding of plant health and soil dynamics. My contributions extend to educational initiatives where I share sustainable practices and advice, establishing myself as a reliable and authoritative figure in the gardening community.

How to Get Rid of Clover in Lawn Without Killing Your Grass - (2024)


How to Get Rid of Clover in Lawn Without Killing Your Grass - ›

Simply pour small amounts of white vinegar onto the leaves and stems of the clover, then wash it away with water. Make sure you spot treat any area that's affected by clover before it spreads any further. White vinegar can be an effective way to get rid of clover in lawns without damaging the grass itself.

How to get rid of clover but not kill grass? ›

How to Get Rid of Clover and Not Kill Grass
  1. Mow High.
  2. Hand-Pull Small Patches.
  3. Spray Vinegar.
  4. Block the Sunlight.
  5. Boost Nitrogen Levels.
  6. Use Corn Gluten Meal.
  7. Spot-Treat With Herbicides.
  8. Maintain a Clover-Free Lawn.
Nov 10, 2023

Will vinegar kill clover and not grass? ›

Simply pour small amounts of white vinegar onto the leaves and stems of the clover, then wash it away with water. Make sure you spot treat any area that's affected by clover before it spreads any further. White vinegar can be an effective way to get rid of clover in lawns without damaging the grass itself.

How do you keep clover but kill other weeds? ›

Preventing weeds from making seeds in a field a year or more before planting clover can be helpful. When a pasture is tilled in preparation for planting, it may be helpful to allow weed seed to germinate, after which the weed seedlings can be killed with tillage or with a herbicide, followed by planting clover.

Why am I getting so much clover in my lawn? ›

Compacted soil: Clover's thick root system lets it grow in tightly compacted soil that grass cannot root in. Lack of nitrogen in the soil: Clover thrives in nitrogen-poor dirt. Over-fertilization in one area: In this case, clover may thrive in one area while grass grows in another.

What is the best spray for clover? ›

This weed is best controlled by herbicides containing dicamba, clopyralid, fluroxypyr, and quinclorac. Products containing combinations of these active ingredients usually provide very good control of white clover. Regrowth of foliage sometimes occurs following spring herbicide applications.

What is a natural remedy for clover in lawn? ›

You can use preemergent herbicides or these less-toxic methods.
  1. Spread Organic Fertilizer. Using organic, slow-release, nitrogen-rich fertilizer will make your lawn less hospitable to clover. ...
  2. Use Corn Meal Gluten. Corn meal gluten releases organic peptides into your soil, preventing the clover's growth. ...
  3. Mow Grass High.
7 days ago

Will clover eventually take over grass? ›

Clover takes over lawns with the following conditions: Compacted soil. Clover thrives in the face of soil compaction thanks to its interconnected root system. Many turfgrasses have trouble growing in compacted soil.

Will clover grow back if mowed? ›

And after mowing, clover lawns will quickly recover and “fluff” back up within hours or days.

When to spray a lawn for clover? ›

While you might be tempted to take action by applying herbicide in spring or summer when clover is lush and growing rampantly, wait a few months for the best results. University research finds that fall is the most effective time for applying broadleaf herbicides specially formulated for white clover.

Will clover choke out dandelions? ›

3. Clovers Reduce Weeds. It turns out clover does some of the “weeding” for you, too. As a dense ground cover plant, clovers — though they are also broad-leaved — are exceptional at crowding out other broadleaf plants such as dandelions, violets, and other plants that commonly populate lawns.

Will clover choke out other weeds? ›

Clover is resilient, and its strength actually smothers other weeds. If your mower is tired of picking up those pesky, hard-to-kill weeds, clover may be the way to go. Growing clover does not allow room for typical lawn weeds to thrive, meaning the lawns you mow could be weed-free and beautiful!

Do you have to kill grass before planting clover? ›

Leave existing turfgrass in place, but prepare it for the clover. Mow the grass shorter than usual, about 2 inches, so that the seeds reach the soil. Remove any thatch and rake or scratch the soil surface. The seeding rate for white clover ranges from 2 to 8 ounces per 1,000 square feet.

How do you kill grass in clover? ›

Spray clover safe herbicide once grasses are actively growing in the spring or summer. Spraying grasses in their early stages of growth can eliminate the need for follow-up applications.

Is clover bad for your lawn? ›

Grass and clover work well together, since clover infuses nitrogen into the soil, which makes for greener, healthier grass. What's more, while grass often yellows and dies in the hottest temps of summer, clover stays green, creating a better looking yard.

Will lawn fertilizer hurt clover? ›

But, clover does best in soil that's low in nitrogen. Applying a nitrogen-rich fertilizer can stunt its growth and choke it out. The good news is that you have several natural, organic products to choose from, like manure, earthworm castings or bone meal.


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