Describe a Wild Animal: IELTS Speaking (3 Cue Cards With Example Answers) - Band 7 Success (2024)

In Part 2 of your IELTS Speaking test, you might be given a wild animal cue card. Let’s look at how you can describe a wild animal really well for a band-7 score.

First, we’ll look at some ideas for how to answer, then some vocabulary and idioms you could use. We’ll go over a few tips for Part 2 questions, and then we’ll look at the sample answers (go straight to the answers here).

What You Can Talk About

First of all, think of any wild animal that’s easy to talk about. Perhaps it’s an animal you really like or have seen recently. Here are some examples to help you think:

  • Deer
  • Squirrel
  • Rabbit
  • Raccoon
  • Elephant
  • Gorilla
  • Lion
  • Tiger
  • Bear
  • Monkey
  • Bird (various species)
  • Fish (any kind of fish)
  • Fox
  • Hippopotamus
  • Kangaroo
  • Zebras
  • Giraffe
  • Chimpanzee
  • Cheetah
  • Wolf
  • Leopard

Then you can talk about:

  • Where you saw that animal before (zoo, park, TV, movie, garden, safari, mountains, forest, lake…)
  • What it looks like
  • The animal’s behavior
  • What kind of habitat it lives in
  • What you think about it
  • If you like it or not
  • How that animal makes you feel
  • What you would do if you saw that animal face to face
  • If you want to see that animal in future
  • Anything else you can think of

Tell a Story

In Part 2, one easy way to keep speaking is to tell a story. Or you can even tell two stories!

For this question, try to remember the last time you saw this wild animal. Was it on TV? Or when you visited your local park or zoo?

Just saw what happened, what the animal was doing, how you felt about it, etc.

A story is a wonderful way to keep speaking for 30 seconds or more and also show the examiner that you can use the various past tenses well.

If you prepare a story, you can also reuse it for many different Part 2 answers. For example, a story about going to the zoo could also be used to describe an interesting place you went on, or a day trip, or spending time with your family, etc.

Here are some places you might have seen a wild animal before. Try to prepare a story about seeing an animal in one of these places:

  • Zoo
  • Local Park
  • On vacation
  • Safari park
  • A movie
  • A documentary on TV
  • A cartoon
  • Aviary
  • Wildlife rehabilitation center
  • Botanical garden
  • Nature reserve
  • Aquarium
  • National park
  • Reptile house
  • Game reserve
  • Insectarium
  • Bird sanctuary
  • Marine reserve
  • Wildlife sanctuary

Focus on Vocabulary With a Word Group

In part 2, it helps to focus on ideas (what you’re going to say) and also vocabulary.

If you prepare many word groups, you can use them to impress the examiner with excellent, interesting vocabulary.

For this question, you could use a word group about an unusual object (an unusual animal) or perhaps an interesting event (visiting the zoo or a vacation where you saw a wild animal).

You can see examples of word groups in the answers below. And read more about how to use word groups here.

Useful Vocabulary for Wild Animals

Here are a few useful and interesting adjectives to use when talking about a wild animal:

  • Majestic
  • Fierce
  • Agile
  • Elusive
  • Ferocious
  • Predatory
  • Carnivorous
  • Endangered
  • Nocturnal
  • Stout
  • Stealthy
  • Lithe
  • Voracious
  • Wild
  • Regal
  • Mammalian
  • Sturdy
  • Furry
  • Gigantic
  • Vibrant

And here are some great nouns to use when describing wild animals:

  • Habitat
  • Species
  • Fauna
  • Predator
  • Prey
  • Hunting
  • Paw
  • Fur
  • Claw
  • Roar
  • Stripes
  • Mane
  • Tail
  • Hooves
  • Antlers
  • Teeth
  • Whiskers
  • Horns

Example Answers

Read through the following example cue cards and answers. Notice the word group each answer uses, and see if you can borrow some ideas and vocabulary for your own answer.

Wild Animal Cue Card 1

Describe a wild animal.

You should say:

  • What the animal is
  • What is interesting about this animal
  • Where you learned about it

And say why you like or dislike this wild animal

I’m going to talk about monkeys. In my opinion, monkeys are really weird and wonderful creatures. I remember visiting the zoo as a child and seeing monkeys swinging from tree to tree and climbing up the sides of their enclosures, it was totally entertaining and fascinating for me as a kid. I remember that I was struck by how similar their behavior was to that of humans and how different at the same time.

Monkeys are really exotic and rare, with their strange habits and peculiar way of behaving. Their movements and expressions are truly extraordinary and I could watch them for hours. Watching them as they play and interact with one another, you can’t help but think about how human-like they are. You can even understand their facial expressions.

One of the things that makes monkeys so unique is their dexterity and ability to use tools. It’s what sets them apart from other wild animals. Also, all their delightful and funny antics make them really exceptional.

While monkeys are definitely strange and have many unusual habits, I think it’s these traits that make them so interesting. In my country, we don’t have monkeys in the wild, they are few and far between. You only normally see them on TV, so I think it’s really cool and a real treat to see them at the zoo, or at least I did when I was a child.

Word Group Used: Unusual Object

During this answer, we focused on describing monkeys as an unusual thing. This allowed us to use lots of good words and idioms from the ‘unusual object’ word group:

  • Strange
  • Weird
  • Weird and wonderful
  • Exotic
  • Extraordinary
  • Outlandish
  • Peculiar
  • Unexpected
  • Exceptional
  • Strange habits
  • Rare
  • Curious way of behaving
  • Out of the ordinary
  • Out of this world
  • Like something from another world
  • Couldn’t make heads or tails of it
  • Few and far between
  • Took a while to get to grips with it

Read more about how to use word groups here.

Wild Animal Cue Card 2

Describe a wild animal.

You should say:

  • What the animal is
  • Where this animal usually lives
  • What it eats

And say where you’ve seen this animal before.

I’m going to talk about squirrels. Squirrels are one of the most adorable creatures that you could come across. With their fluffy tails and wiggly whiskers, they never fail to make me smile. Squirrels are cuddly, hugable creatures that are hard not to love. The way they scurry around, gathering acorns and running up trees, is really endearing.

Squirrels have soft, shiny fur and big bushy tails. Their little beady eyes are full of mischief, making them seem playful in my opinion. They’re usually gray in color in my country, but I’ve also seen squirrels with red fur when I was traveling.

I recently had the opportunity to see a squirrel in the park. It was such a cute sight to see. It was scampering about. I’m not sure what it was doing but I like to think it was gathering nuts and storing them away for the winter. Its movements were so lively and playful that I couldn’t help but smile. It was such a treat to watch this energetic little creature in action.

Squirrels are not just cute, they are also really quite interesting creatures. Their living habits are fascinating. They are experts at storing food, and as far as I know, they have a remarkable memory, which helps them to find their hidden food caches when they need it. They are incredibly skilled climbers and are always on the lookout for danger too. Yes, I really like squirrels. They might be my favorite wild animal.

Word Group Used: Cute Object

During this answer, we focused on describing the squirrels as cute, which allowed us to use the ‘cute object’ word group. Here are some interesting words from that group:

  • Adorable
  • Charming
  • Cuddly
  • Hugable
  • Darling
  • Endearing
  • Fuzzy
  • Gorgeous
  • Lovely
  • Precious
  • Roly-poly
  • Sweet
  • Whimsical
  • Winsome
  • Cute
  • Fluffy
  • Cutesy

Wild Animals Cue Card 3

Describe a wild animal.

You should say:

  • What it looks like
  • Where it lives
  • What it eats

And say why you like this wild animal.

I’m going to talk about the black mamba snake. The black mamba has a dangerous reputation, and with good reason. These snakes are potentially lethal and have a menacing presence that can give anyone chills.

In terms of appearance, the black mamba is all teeth and claws, with a long, slender body that can reach up to 14 feet in length. Its glossy black skin is beautiful, but to my mind, it only adds to the snake’s dangerous image and reputation. Black mambas are known for their venom, which is extremely toxic and can kill a human within hours if not treated.

They have quick movements and a killer instinct that makes them really quite terrifying. The first time I saw a black mamba was at a reptile house, and I have to say it was an unsettling experience. The mamba was slithering around its enclosure and even though there was glass between us, I kept a safe distance from it.

Here in Kenya, black mambas are known to reside in various habitats including forests, savannas, and rocky outcrops. They are also commonly found near human settlements, which is why it is important to be careful and to stay alert, especially when walking in the bush.

I actually encountered a black mamba in the wild one time. I was on a hike with some friends on the outskirts of Nairobi when we stumbled upon a snake basking in the sun. At first, I thought it was a harmless tree snake, but as I got closer, I realized it was a black mamba. I have never run away so quickly before! It was a terrifying experience, I can tell you.

Word Group Used: Dangerous Object

In this answer, we focused on describing the black mamba as dangerous. And we used many words from the ‘dangerous object’ word group:

  • Dangerous
  • Potentially dangerous
  • Hazardous
  • Lethal
  • Menacing
  • Threatening
  • Poisonous
  • Venemous
  • Nasty
  • Killer instinct
  • Quick as a snake
  • All teeth and claws
  • Wouldn’t want to meet it in a dark alley
  • Scary
  • Terrifying
  • Gave me chills
  • Made me jump out of my skin
  • Kept a safe distance from it

Now, Your Turn To Answer

Try to answer this question yourself.

First of all, memorize 10 or 15 words from a word group that could be used to talk about a wild animal.

Then turn on your voice recorder, start your timer, and read one of the cue cards above aloud.

Write notes for one minute: only think of ideas on what to talk about and vocabulary ideas.

When the minute is finished, listen to your answer.

Better yet, write down what you said. This way, you’ll notice mistakes really easily.

And then… try it again!

Keep trying to improve a little each time you do this process.

It’s an excellent way to prepare for part 2 of your IELTS Speaking test.

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Describe a Wild Animal: IELTS Speaking (3 Cue Cards With Example Answers) - Band 7 Success (2024)


How would you describe a wild animal? ›

A wild animal is an animal that is, well, wild. This means that it isn't tame and it lives on its own without any help from people. A wild animal finds its own food, shelter, water and all its other needs in a specific natural habitat. Habitat can be a field, woods, pond, wetland, prairie, park, or your yard.

How do you describe a wild animal tiger? ›

Among the largest species of cats in the world, tigers are powerful hunters with sharp teeth, strong jaws and agile bodies. They range across Asia from Russia all the way to Sumatra and mainland Southeast Asia. Scientists still have much to learn about these beautiful, endangered cats.

What is the part 3 of ielts about animals? ›

In IELTS Speaking Part 3, you may be asked to answer questions about animals: their importance in your culture/country, the state of endangerment, possible inappropriate uses of animals, or perhaps unjust treatment of them. These may not be topics you generally discuss, even in your first language.

How to describe cue card in IELTS? ›

A Cue Card contains a topic or task you must talk about for 2 minutes, followed by a discussion with the examiner for another minute. The IELTS Speaking Cue Card section assesses your ability to speak fluently, organise your thoughts, and use various vocabulary and grammatical structures.

What words describe wild? ›

  • feral.
  • wilding.
  • savage.
  • untamed.
  • unbroken.
  • undomesticated.
  • uncontrolled.
  • brute.

How do you tell wild animals in your own words? ›

If the wild animal is having black stripes on yellow hide then it is Bengal tiger. Hence, if the animal whose hide is covered with spots, jumps at us and starts eating then it is a leopard. Also, if we are meeting the animal who hug us tightly then certainly it is a bear.

How do you describe a wild animal lion? ›

The lion (Panthera leo) is a large cat of the genus Panthera, native to Africa and India. It has a muscular, broad-chested body; a short, rounded head; round ears; and a hairy tuft at the end of its tail. It is sexually dimorphic; adult male lions are larger than females and have a prominent mane.

How do you describe a tiger? ›

Easily recognized by its coat of reddish-orange with dark stripes, the tiger is the largest wild cat in the world. The big cat's tail is three feet long. On average the big cat weighs 450 pounds, about the same as eight ten-year-old kids.

How do you describe a tiger in writing? ›

The paws have long and sharp claws used to grab and kill prey. Tigers pounce on their prey and bite the neck to hunt their prey. Tigers have orange and black stripes that act as camouflage in the jungle. They are able to hide from their prey because of these stripes.

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Techniques to Answer IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions
  1. Give a direct answer to the question.
  2. Define the reason behind your specific point of view.
  3. Give an example to support your point. ...
  4. Conclude with a sentence by connecting your ideas and examples to the matter of the question.

What is IELTS speaking part 3 about? ›

In part 3 of the Speaking test the examiner will ask further questions which are connected to the topics discussed in part 2. This part of the test is designed to give you the opportunity to talk about more abstract issues and ideas. It is a two-way discussion with the examiner, and will last 4-5 minutes.

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Here are some tips specifically for tackling Reading Passage 3:
  1. Skim the Passage First: Before diving into the questions, take a quick look at the passage to get a sense of its topic, structure, and main ideas. ...
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Jan 29, 2019

How do you make a cue card in speaking? ›

Have ONE main subject heading or idea per card 2. Have a heading showing which part of the speech the card belongs to 3. Are written or printed clearly using larger than usual font - so you can read them easily 4. Have plenty of white space around each word or phrase to help them stand out 5.

How do I describe an animal? ›

You can use adjectives for size, shape or color to describe their appearance. You also can use age and opinion adjectives in either order in American English. Lastly, if you know your animal's breed or where they are from, you can use “origin” adjectives to describe them.

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Some common synonyms of feral are bestial, brutal, and brutish. While all these words mean "characteristic of an animal in nature, action, or instinct," feral suggests the savagery or ferocity of wild animals.


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