Body Condition Scores | VCA Animal Hospital | VCA Animal Hospitals (2024)

Weight-conscious people are familiar with BMI (Body Mass Index) as a yardstick to identify ideal weight in humans. Pet owners are also focused on the weight of their pets. Luckily, there is a way to measure the body condition of our furry friends, too.

The pet version of BMI is called BCS (Body Condition Score) and it is a quantitative, yet subjective, method for evaluating body fat. It may seem more complicated than the human scale because, although people come in lots of different shapes and sizes, the pet world has a bigger variety of both—especially the canine portion of the pet population. Think: Chihuahua vs. Bulldog vs. Great Dane.

Consistent Scoring

Despite the variety of body types in dogs and cats, there is an organized system of evaluating BCS. Two recognized BCS scales are utilized, one ranging from 1-5 and the other from 1-9. Some veterinarians prefer the 1-9 scale, which has more latitude to identify subtle changes in weight. Others like the 1-5 scale, which has fewer categories. Whatever method you choose, it is best to identify the scale by referencing the highest number. For example a dog with a BCS of 5 would be obese on the 5 point scale (5/5) and ideal weight on the 9 point scale (5/9). A cat with a BCS of 3 would be ideal weight on the 5 point scale (3/5) and thin on the 9 point scale (3/9). Reference points are therefore important.

Here is how the numbers stack up for both scales:

Body Condition Scores | VCA Animal Hospital | VCA Animal Hospitals (1)

Body Condition Scores | VCA Animal Hospital | VCA Animal Hospitals (2)

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Assigning a Score

Assigning a score to your pet requires visualization and palpation. You have to look at and feel your pet. Start by looking at your cat or dog from above. Does she have a waistline that curves in behind the rib cage giving her an hourglass figure? Next, sit on the floor and look at your pet from the side. Does he have a tummy tuck? Does his abdomen slant upwards between the ribcage and the hind legs? Or does he have a saggy belly?

"If your pet is a healthy weight, you should easily feel his ribs."

Now for palpation. If your pet is a healthy weight, you should easily feel his ribs. Place your thumbs on the backbone and spread your fingers across his rib cage. You should feel a thin layer of fat with the ribs right underneath. A good comparison is feeling the knuckles of your hand: too thin is the feeling of the knuckles with your hand closed in a fist; too much fat is the feel of your knuckles on the underside or palm side of your hand; and ideal is feeling the knuckles when your hand is resting on a flat surface.

A pet with a BCS of 3/5 or 4-5/9 will have ribs that are easy to palpate without applying any pressure with your fingers. An emaciated pet with a BCS of 1/5 or 1/9 will have ribs that stick out with no fat layer. These ribs are not only easy to feel but are easy to see. Obese pets with a BCS of 5/5 or 9/9 have ribs covered by a thick layer of fat making them very difficult to see or feel.

You can also run your hands over your pet’s rump to feel the pelvic bones. And pet him from neck to tail to feel the backbone. Both areas should be covered with minimal fat allowing you to actually feel bone without pressing too hard.

Now, assign a numerical score to what you see and feel.

1/5 or 1/9 Ribs, backbone, pelvic bones stick out. Loss of muscle mass present. Severe tummy tuck and dramatic waistline on both cats and dogs.

1.5/5 or 2/9 Ribs and backbone and pelvic bones visible, but only minor loss of muscle mass. Severe waistline and tummy tuck.

2/5 or 3/9 Ribs, pelvis, backbone easily palpated and somewhat visible. Severe waistline and tummy tuck.

2.5/5 or 4/9 Ribs, pelvis, backbone easily palpated but not as visible. Obvious waistline and tummy tuck.

3/5 or 5/9 Ribs, pelvis and backbone palpable with a thin layer of fat covering. Waistline and tummy tuck obvious but not severe with more gradual curves. Cats have minimal abdominal fat pad in front of the rear legs.

3.5/5 or 6/9 Slight fat layer over ribs, backbone and pelvis making them more difficult to palpate. Tummy tuck present but minimal. Waistline visible, but not prominent. Cats have minimal fat pad.

4/5 or 7/9 Ribs covered with heavy fat layer requiring finger pressure to feel. Difficult to feel backbone or pelvis. Waistline not apparent. Tummy tuck still slightly visible. Cats have moderate abdominal fat pad.

4.5/5 or 8/9 Ribs, pelvis and backbone covered with thick fat layer and palpable only with extreme pressure. No tummy tuck or waistline.

5/5 or 9/9 Ribs and backbone not palpable under thick fat layer. Abdominal distention projects downward (opposite of tummy tuck) and outward (protruding waistline). Fat deposits on legs, face and over tail head covering pelvis. Cats have extensive abdominal fat pad and sagging bellies.

Note: Feeling ribs is less disturbing to the dog than feeling the backbone or pelvis. Arthritic dogs may experience pain if you press on their back or hips.

BCS and Pounds

Determining when a pet has reached an ideal body weight takes into consideration both BCS and actual weight. When monitoring a weight program, it is important to record both numbers simultaneously. Get into the habit of weighing your pet each time his BCS is assessed and keep an ongoing record to track progress. To compare your pet’s score with your own, remember that a BCS of 4/5 or 7/9 correlates to 30% body fat, which is considered overweight in people

The State of Pet Obesity

In 2017, the Association for Pet Obesity estimated that 56% of dogs and 60% of cats in the United States were overweight. That means the majority of cats and dogs need to shed a few pounds. As with humans, pet obesity has serious health implications. Heavy pets are at greater risk for heart disease, diabetes, joint ailments (arthritis), high blood pressure, and surgical/anesthetic complications. Moreover, overweight pets have shorter life spans than their fit colleagues, as seen in the Purina Life Span study. In this study, dogs at ideal body weight lived approximately two years longer than their obese counterparts.

"The Association for Pet Obesity estimates that 54% of pets in the United States are overweight."

Keeping your pet fit will make his life happier, healthier, and longer. Sadly, obesity is the number one nutritional disorder of pets. Luckily, it is one that we can manage and monitor by utilizing systems like BCS.

Body Condition Scores | VCA Animal Hospital | VCA Animal Hospitals (2024)


What is a good body condition score for a dog? ›

The 9-point body condition score places dogs into three groups: underweight, overweight, and ideal weight. A body condition score of 1-3 is considered underweight or too thin. A body condition score of 4-5 is considered ideal. A body condition score of 6-9 is considered overweight or too heavy.

What is a good body condition score? ›

An ideal BCS is 4-5 out of 9. For every number above 5, your pet is an extra 10 percent overweight. For example, a dog with body condition score (BCS) of 7 out of 9 is approximately 20 percent overweight.

Would a cat with a body condition score of 5 be considered healthy? ›

Using Purina's 9-point BCS system, the ideal body condition is defined as a visible waist (when viewed from above) and abdominal tuck (side profile), and easily palpated ribs. An ideal BCS is defined as 4-5 for dogs, and 5 for cats. Pets with a BCS of 8 or 9 are considered obese.

What is a 4-5 body condition score for a dog? ›

A pet with a BCS of 3/5 or 4-5/9 will have ribs that are easy to palpate without applying any pressure with your fingers. An emaciated pet with a BCS of 1/5 or 1/9 will have ribs that stick out with no fat layer. These ribs are not only easy to feel but are easy to see.

What is a 2.5 5 body condition score? ›

Body condition score of 4/9 (or 2.5/5): Your dog has a body condition score of four if you can easily feel their ribs, with minimal fat covering them. Your dog's waist is easily visible when you're looking at them from above. If you're looking at them from the side, you can see an abdominal tuck.

What is a 5 out of 9 dog body condition? ›

5/9: Ideal - Well-proportioned. Ribs can be easily felt without excess fat covering. Waist can be observed behind the ribs when viewed from above.

What is a low body condition score for a dog? ›

Your dog is too skinny if their body condition score is less than a 4 out of 9. They will be considered emaciated if they have a score of 1 out of 9. BCS scores of 2/9 and 3/9 are considered very thin and underweight, respectively.

What is the highest body condition score? ›

The BCS system used for beef cows ranges from 1 to 9, with a score of 1 reflecting cows that are emaciated and a score of 9 reflecting cows that are obese. Thin cows should receive a lower score and fat cows should receive a higher score.

What is a veterinary body condition score? ›

Body condition score (BCS) is a common method to evaluate the body fat mass in animals. By palpating and observing fats under the skin it is possible to predict animal's body fat accumulation condition. BCS is also a useful tool to estimate body fat composition in dogs.

What is a cat body score of 7? ›

Body Condition Score (BCS)

In order to assess whether a cat is too thin, overweight or “just right”, the BCS system has been developed. The scale grades the body condition from 1 to 9. 1 is very thin and bony, and 9 is severely obese. 4 to 5 is ideal or “just right”.

What must be the ideal body condition score for animals? ›


The two most commonly used scoring systems in small animal practice are a 5-point system in which a BCS of 3 is considered ideal, or a 9-point system in which a BCS of 5 is considered ideal.

What is the ideal body score for a cat? ›

A cat body condition scale ranges from 1 to 9, with 1 indicating a cat is severely underweight, to 9 meaning severely obese. A cat is considered to have an ideal body condition if they score between 4 and 5. Assessing your cat's body condition score is easy to do and can be done while petting your cat.

What does a body condition score of 5 6 indicate? ›

The Body Condition Score
Score 5Condition Moderate
Score 6Condition Moderately fleshy
Score 7Condition Fleshy
Score 8Condition Fat
5 more rows

What is a body condition score of 1 5 indicating? ›

A body condition score is determined by the amount of body fat or lack of body fat and is expressed nu- merically. Pigs, sheep, goats and dairy cows are based on a 1-5 scale with one being very thin and five being overly fat.

Is 10 a good hip score for a dog? ›

The lower the score the better. The minimum score for each hip is 0 and the maximum is 53, giving a range for the total score of 0 to 106. The first 3 components are known as the Primary Changes. These are assessments of the conformation of the hip joint.

What is a bad hip score for dogs? ›

The scores range from 0 (perfect) to 6 (joint is non functional). After all the scores are worked out and a final score is given. Between 0-3 is acceptable and between 4-6 is unacceptable for breeding purposes.

What is a large dog body score? ›

Having to apply pressure would indicate the pet is overweight. If ribs are visible the pet may be underweight. The body score chart can be used to show if our pets are underweight, overweight or ideal weight. We aim for our pets to be a score of 4 or 5 on this scale.

What is the body condition score 1 5 for dogs? ›

Scientific body condition evaluation was performed by a veterinarian using the five scale TM (1-5) scoring system provided by Royal Canin (Table 1). A score was determined for each dog using visual cues followed by palpation [1=emaciated (very thin), 2=thin, 3=ideal, 4=over weight (fat) 5=obese (very fat). ...


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