A Little Horse/Transcript (2024)

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[bunnycorns squeaking]
[hooves clomping]
Seashell: Only one more minute until another live update from Princess Pipp!
Peach Fizz: I wonder what she's going to do! A big announcement? A song? A big announcement about a song? [high-pitched squeal]
[buzzing sound]
Glory: Low battery?! No, no, no, no! Where's my charger?! Where's my charger?!
Fretlock: You ready for this? Electric Blue and Pipp Petals! Live collab! Together again!
Pipp Petals: Hey everypo— [coughing] Hey, hey, hey, everyp— [coughing, raspily] Hey...
Seashell: Is this some kind of performance art thing? If so, genius! If not, I'm pretty disappointed.
Glory: Yeah, if her new song is just coughing and silence, then I have notes.
Pipp Petals: [slurps, raspily] Technical difficulties. Gonna reschedule until tonight. Stay tuned...
Pipp Petals: ...and thanks for watchi— [coughing]
[crowd gasps]
Hitch Trailblazer: We were watching the stream!
Zipp Storm: Yeah, I love Electric Blue! So much! They're the best musicians ever!
Izzy Moonbow: Ahem! But we were watching for you, too. What happened?
Pipp Petals: [stuffed up] I'm fine! I'm fine. Really. I think I just ate a weird apple or something. [gags]
Zipp Storm: [gasps] Oh, no. You're...
Pipp Petals: [coughs]
Zipp Storm: ...sick! Fair warning – she's about to become very high-maintenance.
Pipp Petals: No! No, I am not! I'm... [sneezing]
Sunny Starscout: It's okay, Pipp. Let us help you. You need to rest.
Pipp Petals: I promise. I'm fine. I'm probably just allergic to exciting collaborations with amazing bands. [sneezes]
[chair creaks]
Pipp Petals: [sobs] Okay. I guess I'm sick. But what about Electric Blue?
Hitch Trailblazer: They'll have to wait. Now let's get you better.
Sparky Sparkeroni: Mm-hmm.
Pipp Petals: But... B-But... But... But...
Sparky Sparkeroni: [stern gurgle]
Pipp Petals: [sobs] Okay, fine. But I'm taking this! What? It's my lucky microphone! I'll just sing a little teensy tiny bit—
Zipp Storm: You will not! Two words, Pipp — vocal rest!
Pipp Petals: [whimpers]
[theme song]
Zipp Storm: How's my little patient?
Pipp Petals: [crying] Being sick is the worst feeling in the world! I just wanna feel normal!
Zipp Storm: Hey, come on. Tough it out. We all get sick sometimes. It's a part of life.
Pipp Petals: Yeah, I guess. [whines, coughs]
Zipp Storm: Aww, you poor thing. I'm sorry for the tough love. It's what works on me, but clearly not on you.
Pipp Petals: Yeah, did you just come here to be mean to me until I feel better?
Zipp Storm: No, not totally. I prepared a back-up plan to help you in your recovery.
Pipp Petals: A miracle cure?!
Zipp Storm: Kinda.
Pipp Petals: [gasps] What is it?
Zipp Storm: An escape from your nasty cold and entrance into another world!
Pipp Petals: Is that what I think it is?
Zipp Storm: Yup! My favorite books, A.K.A. every volume of the greatest fantasy series of all time – The Chronicles of Chevalia! Including expanded universe official canonical side adventure novellas and the official Chevalipedia! Every term defined, every creature species classified, and every map you'll need to find your bearing in this expansive and amazing universe!
Pipp Petals: Well, that... that is... a lot. Thank you, Zipp, um, but how long do you expect me to be sick for?
Zipp Storm: Whether it's two days or two moons, there's always time to throw yourself back into Chevalia!
Pipp Petals: I do love reading. But for the record, let's hope it's two days. I can't take two whole moons of this!
Zipp Storm: Enjoy the journey! And tell me when you get to the Tree of Fortunica! Don't worry. That's not a spoiler. Oh, no. Saying it's not a spoiler is sort of a spoiler. But not really. Oops! Uh, you'll see!
Pipp Petals: [sighs]
Sunny Starscout: Hey, hey!
Pipp Petals: [gasps, sneezes]
Sunny Starscout: How's my friend feeling?
Pipp Petals: Sunny! I've... [clears throat] I've been better. It's just a quick little cold, though. I'll be fine in no time. [sniffles] I just have so much I want to do.
Sunny Starscout: Oh, I know the feeling, but try to relax. Is there anything I can do? Any foods you like when you're sick? Home remedies that help?
Pipp Petals: No, not that I can remember. Hmm... [gasps]
[soft music]
Pipp Petals: Actually, there is something! Whenever I got sick, Mom would make this amazing soup. That stuff was a miracle!
Sunny Starscout: Say no more! I'm on it, in it, and around it! [awkward chuckle] That means I'll get it. So, what was in this magic soup?
Pipp Petals: Oh, there was, um... uh... I don't remember. It was just this, um, this soup. You know, good soup! The yummiest! Like a warm hug for your taste buds! Oh! Wow, I feel better just talking about it. Thank you so much, Sunny.
Sunny Starscout: "Warm hug"... uh-huh... "For your taste buds".
Pipp Petals: Mmmm!
Sunny Starscout: Okay. I'll... I'll get that, then.
Sunny Starscout: I may have no idea how to make this soup, but that's never stopped me from doing something before. Oh, it is on, Hitch!
Hitch Trailblazer: What is?
Sunny Starscout: The soup!
Pipp Petals: [sighs]
Pipp Petals: Huh?
Sparky Sparkeroni: [gurgling]
Pipp Petals: Oh. Oh, wow. H-Hi, everycritter. What's going on?
Hitch Trailblazer: Well, pal, we thought you might be bored in here all by yourself, sooooo...
Pipp Petals: I actually haven't been by myself yet.
Hitch Trailblazer: ...that's why the critters and I thought we'd cheer you up!
Pipp Petals: Aw, that's so sweet! But nothing would cheer me up like being outside on this beautiful day.
Hitch Trailblazer: Hey, is outside more interesting than some fascinating nature facts?
Pipp Petals: [laughs] Um, I guess not.
Hitch Trailblazer: ...and that's why they're called – say it with me – pine cones!
Pipp Petals: Oh... wow...
Izzy Moonbow: Aha! Thanks for stopping by, cuties! But now it's time for the holistic healing helping hoof, Izzy! [mimicking echo] Izzy! Izzy! Izzy!
Hitch Trailblazer: Don't worry, Pipp. We have a lot more nature facts to share. We'll be back.
Izzy Moonbow: Ohhhh, Pipper! Once I work my magic, you'll be back to your old chipper, sparkly, singy self in no time!
Pipp Petals: Uh, okay, Izzy, but—
Izzy Moonbow: My crystals reminded me of the ultimate tea potion for your flu!
Izzy Moonbow: Here it is! My unicorn remedy tea! Guaranteed to cure what ails your tail! And the rest of ya!
Pipp Petals: [slurps] Wow! I was skeptical, but it's delicious! Thank you so much! And it's a magic cure? [slurps] I can feel it working! [sneezes] Okay, maybe not.
Izzy Moonbow: Oh, yeah, oh, no. I forgot to actually add the magic. Pffft! [laughs] Yeah! I just made a tasty tea! But I can fix it! I'll be right back! Keep resting! No moving!
Pipp Petals: [sighs]
Sunny Starscout: "Magic get-well soup". Nope. "Magic get-well soup Zephyr Heights"? Nothing. Uh, "Princess Pipp's perfect magic soup recipe for when Pipp is sick soup". [groans]
Zipp Storm: Sunny? Something on the stove smells kind of strange.
Sunny Starscout: [gasps] My test soup!
Sunny Starscout: [gasps] I'll take that.
[tap tap]
Zipp Storm: Yikes. I think I'll make other lunch plans.
Sunny Starscout: No, this isn't for us. I'm trying to make your mom's special soup for Pipp. I should just go to Zephyr Heights and ask her—
Zipp Storm: Ohhhh... Maybe don't do that?
Sunny Starscout: Huh? Why not?
Zipp Storm: Mom only made that soup when we were sick.
Sunny Starscout: So?
Zipp Storm: If she knows one of us is sick, she'll freak out and, like, fly here and stuff! Be cool about it?
Sunny Starscout: Cool? I can be cool! I can be very cool.
Zipp Storm: [sniffing] But maybe you should take care of that first.
Sunny Starscout: [sniffing] Blech! No, good call.
Pipp Petals: [singing raspily] What's that sound? It's the sound of the– [coughs] –thundercloud. Crash! You've gotta believe in the— [coughing]
Zipp Storm: Hmm... Hey!
Pipp Petals: Aah!
Zipp Storm: You're supposed to be resting! Vocal resting!
Pipp Petals: No! Not Bestie! Give her back! [screaming]
Zipp Storm: No more secret singing! No more ClipTrots! No more livestreams! You can have this back later. Give yourself a break for now. Sheesh!
Pipp Petals: [sighs, groans]
[trumpet fanfare]
[game sounds]
Queen Haven: [laughs]
Sunny Starscout: Hi, Queen Haven! I-I mean, Your Majesty!
Queen Haven: Oh, please, Sunny. Call me "Your Majesty Queen Haven". To what do I owe the pleasure? And where are my girls? Are they here?
Sunny Starscout: Play it cool... Well, Zipp has some sleuthing to do, and Pipp is sick... at skateboarding! She's so sick at it! Sick means good! She's skating! [chuckles awkwardly]
Queen Haven: This is a satisfying answer.
Sunny Starscout: [sighs] I'll just cut to the chase and tell you that... that... I've entered a cooking competition! Yup! I did! And I need to bring some Zephyr Heights elevated flavors to Maretime Bay. I think it'll be the height of sophistication! [laughs] Get it?
Queen Haven: Oh, how lovely! And you're right about that. Our cuisine is second to none. I'd love to help!
Pipp Petals: Okay, Hitch. Whatcha got for me now?
Hitch Trailblazer: My incredibly talented critters and I have prepared a play for you. [dramatic] Our story starts in a humble wooded thicket right here in Maretime Bay... Hark! To what do mine eyes see but a spotted owl? [hooting]
Pipp Petals: [giggles]
Kenneth: [chirping]
Sparky Sparkeroni: [growls]
[dramatic music]
Hitch Trailblazer: And there was never a war between the spotted owls and the striped lemurs ever again!
Pipp Petals: [clapping] That was so cute! Oh, one question, though. Did the winged gopher learn to fly because it was inside him all along or because the Breezie fairy granted him a wish? I'm sorry, it's just a little unclear. Feels like a first draft.
Kenneth: [chirping angrily]
Hitch Trailblazer: He says... You know what? I won't share that one.
Sunny Starscout: So, would you happen to have any special soups that might heal— I mean, wow the judges?
Queen Haven: Oh, do I? I do! There's cream of marshmallow, egg cloud bisque, and Pegasus wedding soup. My personal favorite.
Sunny Starscout: Huh. Not exactly what I'm looking for. Uh, but they all sound great.
Izzy Moonbow: Okay, Pipperoni and Cheese! This time I think I've got it! The magic potion tea to cure your bug and bring you back to maximum sparkle!
Pipp Petals: Ooh! I'll try it! The last one really was delicious. Notes of cinnamon and ginger and... cotton candy?
Izzy Moonbow: Oh, you noticed! Aww! Okay, here you go! Bottoms up!
Pipp Petals: [slurps, in Izzy's voice] Again, delicious! Wait, why do I sound like this? I'm you, Izzy! I mean, I'm, like, not you but, like, I have your voice! Oh, no!
Izzy Moonbow: What? Let me try! [slurps, gargles] Mmm! Tasty! Huh? That was new. Must have been the bumbleroot. [gasps] How's your voice now?
Pipp Petals: [raspily] Fa la laaa... Still the same.
Izzy Moonbow: Oh, flying rats! But I'm not gonna give up yet! Potion tea magic is real! I'll be right back.
Zipp Storm: Look who came to see you, Pipp.
Pipp Petals: Misty?! Haven't seen you since the Manesquerade Ball!
Misty: I know. I've, uh, been busy. But I saw you on the livestream, and I wanted to check up on you.
Pipp Petals: Awww! Aren't you sweet?
Zipp Storm: Yeah, yeah, yeah, very sweet. Okay, sis. It's time we talk turkey.
Pipp Petals: Oh, I don't know any talking turkeys. [gasps] You should ask Hitch!
Zipp Storm: No! "Talk turkey" is detective speak for "get down to business"! I wanna take you through my ongoing case against the nefarious evil pony who wants to steal magic!
Misty: [gasps]
Pipp Petals: Ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo! Okay! You mean the dirt! The goss! The tea!
Izzy Moonbow: [distant] No, it's not ready yet!
Zipp Storm: The facts!
Pipp Petals: I love it! Let's get into it!
Misty: Or, uh... we could play a game instead!
Zipp Storm: Nah, I like my idea better. So, after hours and hours of digging through everything, including the book Misty helped me find...
Misty: [gasps]
Zipp Storm: ...I've determined that this evil pony is definitely an Alicorn! And she's been around since the days of Twilight Sparkle! But maybe even way before that!
Pipp Petals: [deep gasp] I love this theory! Keep going! [coughing]
Queen Haven: ...apple bisque, tomato bisque, biscuit bisque, but that one's not very popular.
Sunny Starscout: Your Majesty, I'm just gonna say it. What was that soup you would make for Pipp? She made it sound so great the way she talked it up.
Queen Haven: You mean the special sick day soup? For days when she was sick?! Why?! Is she sick?! My baby!
Sunny Starscout: No! I am! [fake coughing]
Queen Haven: Oh! Oh, you poor dear. But please, for the love of Cloudpuff, don't pass it onto me! I have places to go and ponies to see! I'm meeting Alphabittle for tea later.
Sunny Starscout: [awkward chuckle]
Zipp Storm: Sis! I forgot to share a key detail! The book says Alicorns can harness other types of magic other than their own.
Pipp Petals: I'm not following this turkey talk. If an Alicorn already has unicorn, Pegasus, and Earth pony magic... [sniffles] ...what other kind of magic is there?
Zipp Storm: Dragon magi—!
Misty: [coughing] Oh! [chuckles, clears throat] I must be coming down with what you have, Pipp. Anyway, uh, I just came here to bring you this get-well gift. It's a mane brush. 'Cause a pony can never have too many mane brushes! [laughs nervously] Am I right?
Pipp Petals: [gasps] How thoughtful! Thank you so much!
Zipp Storm: Hey, Misty, tell us that story you shared at the unicorn sleepover again, would ya?
Misty: Uh... uhh... uhhh, sure. I, uh... I-I just, uh... I just gotta get some water first. [coughing]
Pipp Petals: What's stuck in her mane?
Zipp Storm: ["I dunno" sound] Remember that one time I got a candy apple stuck in mine?
Pipp Petals: No, that was me. You put it there. At the carnival. Took Mom an hour to get it out.
Zipp Storm: Oh, yeah! [chuckles] Classic. I mean, sorry about that.
Sunny Starscout: [fake coughing] So, can I get that recipe or—?
Queen Haven: My, but you are a persistent one. [sighs] Okay, fine! You don't have to twist my hoof! I admit it! That soup is not homemade! It's from the Souper Ladle Food Cart! It's the number twelve, add carrots. I've been ordering it and passing it off as my own for the girls' whole lives. I'm embarrassed! I'm a good mother but a terrible chef!
Sunny Starscout: Oh, no! I don't judge you! I'm sure it's delicious either way!
Queen Haven: [sniffs, claps] At least take the official royal ponyware for authenticity. I did always serve it in this. Good luck and feel better, my dear!
[doors close]
Sunny Starscout: Wait! W-Where's the Souper Ladle Food Cart?!
Zipp Storm: Sis, you won't be better for days if you're not—
Pipp Petals: Don't say "resting"! Please! Please don't say "resting"! I'm so sick of resting! I've been resting for hours! I'm done! [sighs] I feel crummy, but doing nothing is making it worse!
Zipp Storm: I-I'm sorry! I just... Never mind. I'll go.
Pipp Petals: I'm just so over being treated like a patient. It's not you. I'm sorry.
Zipp Storm: It's okay. I'll give you your space.
Pipp Petals: [groans]
Izzy Moonbow: Hey, Pipper-saurus!
Pipp Petals: Ugh, Izzy, I know you're really trying here, but—
Izzy Moonbow: Just taste it, silly. I promise I got it right this time.
Pipp Petals: [slurps] I love it! What is it?
Izzy Moonbow: [deep inhale] It's just chamomile tea. I finally stopped looking for a cure and decided to settle on something to just make you feel nice.
Pipp Petals: Aw, that's exactly what I needed! Thanks, Izzy! You're the best! You're sure this won't mess with my voice?
Izzy Moonbow: This one is just one hundred percent chamomile flowers, honey, and water. Oh! And love.
Pipp Petals: Now this is some magic I can get behind!
Sunny Starscout: Number twelve! Add carrots, please!
Soup Cart Pony: Ooh, so sorry. We just ran out.
Sunny Starscout: No! Poor Pipp is never going to get better!
Soup Cart Pony: This is for the princess?! Well, why didn't you say so?! I need an extra twelve, add carrots, for the princess! [with French accent] For ze princess?! Coming right up!
Soup Cart Pony: [normally] And don't keep royalty waiting!
[wheel squeaking]
Zipp Storm: First of all, I want to say I'm sorry for getting on your case all day. I just care about you, okay?
Pipp Petals: I know. I'm sorry for being Little Miss Cranky Hooves. [sobs] I'm just stir-crazy from being inside today!
Zipp Storm: Then let me knock your stir-crazy socks off!
Misty: [gasps]
Zipp Storm: Now, here's how all of my theories connect! On Alicorns, on dragon magic, on glowing cutie marks...
Misty: [high-pitched squeak]
["Where'd it Go intrumental]
Pipp Petals: Amazing! I love it! I mean, I don't love that we have to stop this evil Alicorn, but excellent work! What do you think about it, Misty?
Zipp Storm: Oh, no. I hope she's not getting sick too.
Opaline: What do you mean "they know"?! Who is "they", and what is it that they know?!
Misty: Zipp and Pipp! They know everything! Well, not... not everything, but a lot. They know who you are! Well, almost.
Opaline: Ugh, "almost"? They had never heard of moi? The great and powerful Opaline?! What are they teaching these ponies in history classes?! Nonsense?! Gibberish?!
Opaline: WELL?!
Misty: Oh! Uh, I-I'm sorry! Uh, I... I don't know! I thought it was one of those questions you're not supposed to answer?
Opaline: [groans]
[discordant, janky music]
Hitch Trailblazer: [vocalizing]
Pipp Petals: [clapping] Oh... Wow... Yay... Uh, that was great. Hitch, I really appreciate you trying to keep me entertained all day, but what I could really use is somepony to hang out with. Can we just chill?
Hitch Trailblazer: [sighs] Boy. Wow. Thank you. Yes! I gotta admit, we were running out of stuff to show you, weren't we?
Sparky Sparkeroni: [gurgling]
Sunny Starscout: [sighs] Wow! That took all day! Pipp, I got it! I did it! I have your magical soup!
Pipp Petals: Sunny, this is so nice! But I should tell you, there's nothing magical about it.
Sunny Starscout: There... isn't?
Pipp Petals: It's special because of the effort my mom went through to get it. And the stubbornness of her insisting it was homemade.
Sunny Starscout: [gasps] You knew?!
Pipp Petals: But I love it! It always made me feel good when I was sick. And this is the nicest thing. You're the best.
Sunny Starscout: Mmm...
Pipp Petals: Hey! I know I said it was the thought that counts, but it's also really delicious soup. Give it, please? Thank you! [slurps]
Misty: So, what do you want me to do?
Opaline: What do you think?! That little detective girl is getting too smart. We must act!
Misty: You mean me, right? I must act?
Opaline: Yes! We're going to do whatever it takes to gather all the dragonfire. It's time. Sinister laugh, commence... now! [evil laughter]
[dramatic music]
[thunder rumbles]
Izzy Moonbow: [snoring]
Pipp Petals: Hey, ponies! Listen to this! [clears throat] Hey, Pippsqueaks! It's ya girl Pipp! Please welcome my guests, Electric Blue!
Hitch Trailblazer: She's back!
Zipp Storm: See? All you needed was a little rest...
Izzy Moonbow: ...a little tea...
Sunny Starscout: ...some yummy soup...
Hitch Trailblazer: ...and a good hangout!
Sparky Sparkeroni: [gurgles happily]
Pipp Petals: Yeah! I'm sorry if I was a difficult patient. You all worked so hard to entertain me, keep me preoccupied, and even get my health back. But all I really needed was to know my friends cared about me.
Izzy Moonbow: Argh! If I knew that's what you needed, I wouldn't have tried so hard!
Rest of Mane 5: [laugh]
Zipp Storm: We're just glad you're okay. But you gotta get to Mane Melody for your big livestream with Electric Blue!
Hitch Trailblazer: Oh, yeah! You're late!
Pipp Petals: You know what? I think I'd like to do it here with you ponies. You're the reason I feel good enough to stream after all.
Sunny Starscout: I think we can help with that!
[rhythmic music]

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A Little Horse/Transcript (2024)


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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Views: 6576

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.